quantum dots

quantum dots

How quantum dots enhance the color spectrum in lcd displays

  Quantum dots are tiny semiconductor crystals that have been revolutionizing the world of display technology. These nanocrystals are capable of emitting light of very specific wavelengths, making them an ideal candidate for enhancing the color spectrum in LCD displays. A panel of white LEDs serves as the light source for image generation. This light …

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Difference Between Quantum Dots and Nanoparticles? (2023)

Quantum dots (QD) are semiconductor particles with sizes of a few nm. QD emit light of a specific wavelength when a current is applied or exposed to light. Quantum dots are three-dimensionally confined nanoparticles i.e., the electron and holes present in these nanoparticles are confined in all the 3 spacial directions. Moreover, the size or …

Difference Between Quantum Dots and Nanoparticles? (2023) Read More »

micro oled | Nantronics

What is micro oled?

OLEDs can present vivid colors, have low power consumption, and are rollable . However, their organic material will oxidize, which gives them a shorter lifespan. Moreover, OLEDs are prone to burn-in, are costly, and require the use of advanced techniques. Consequently, the light source is often used for small-screen products such as smartphones. The key advantages of …

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